

1/4 Creation of economic values & mission-driven company

The current health crisis is having a major impact on the economic activity of our country, reawakening inequalities and violence. Do you think that galleries and the art market are secondary? You are wrong.

Galerie MICA has been involved in the creation of economic values in Brittany for the past fifteen years. Its activity and results are quantifiable with regional entrepreneurs. My methodology is not based on subjectivity but on concrete economic results.

I have demonstrated that it is perfectly possible on a small and large scale to create a productive emulation of economic and cultural value through collective intelligence. By federating the economic, political and artistic actors, we have been able to go beyond the individual and carry out actions that are necessarily more fruitful. An example? The LAB association, the patrons and I have created a stable and reliable policy and economic system structuring the crafts and artistic activities of the Brittany region.

For the past 15 years, I have been calling on Breton designers and craftsmen to design new objects that must respond to major concerns. First of all, stimulating and enhancing the value of these French craft trades encourages vocations and participates in the training of young people, while encouraging quality purchasing locally rather than mediocre quality on a global scale. Two parameters that guarantee the future dynamism of the region and its wealth.

The gallery is an indispensable and active link spreading the know-how and productions of our craftsmen (cabinetmakers, foundries, ironworkers, gilders, sculptors, etc.) beyond the region, opening up new economic markets for them on a national and even international scale.

Also, these objects created for the MICA Gallery are part of sustainable and durable development by mobilizing regional know-how and traditional and local materials. This concern contributes to preserving jobs and keeping the heritage alive, an important economic vector that has contributed to the recognition of our country's excellence in the fields of crafts and arts and crafts. Without them, our museums and castles would not attract millions of tourists every year, bringing other key sectors such as restaurants and hotels to life. Do you think all this is secondary?

And you, are you doing the same to act on the regional economy?

Galerie MICA